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Reaching Your Next Level
These stories show the life changing power of working one-on-one with our highly trained, experienced coaches.
As the Medical Director at a child abuse assessment center, Erin's feelings of being overwhelmed at work were affecting her family life. What she thought was going to be training on how to become more organized and productive to get more done a work became a journey of self discovery into taking time for her own mental and physical health.
Being overwhelmed affected everything in my life.
Watch Erin's High Performance Coaching Journey to Happiness
As the Medical Director at a child abuse assessment center, Erin's feelings of being overwhelmed at work were affecting her family life. What she thought was going to be training on how to become more organized and productive to get more done at work became a journey of self discovery into taking time for her own mental and physical health.
I knew inside myself that I had a bigger purpose.
Watch Marco's High Performance Coaching Journey to Entrepreneur
From the IT Chamber and World Bank in Mexico City to starting his own company to serve others and help them achieve a better life, Marco credits his coach with pushing him to stop waiting to achieve the life he wanted.
I never thought all the things we're doing now were possible.
Watch Aki and Seiko's High Performance Coaching Journey to Accelerating their business goals.
Professional Golfers Aki and Seiko say that because of High Performance Coaching "Where we are today isn't even a place we thought we would be in our career".
This was absolutely brand new thinking for me.
Watch Jeanne's High Performance Coaching Journey to Personal Power
In the midst a successful career with the Pacific Symphony, Jeanne found herself asking "is this all there is for me?" She felt there was more and her coach helped her strengthen her sense of power to choose a new direction.

Growth is one of the fastest growing companies in the US.
INC 5000
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